Ra的食物清单ise Uric Acid

Both meat and seafood can raise uric acid levels in the blood.
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Concerned about youruric acid levels? This might be the case if you have hypothyroidism or kidney issues or are taking diuretics or immune-suppressing drugs. It could also be the case if you're genetically predisposed to high uric acid levels or are eating a lot of organ or game meat.


And if that's you, it's important to know that there are a number offoods rich in uric acid.If you have highuric acidlevels, discuss possible dietary modifications with your doctor or dietician. Here's a list of foods likely to raise your uric acid:

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  • Beef
  • Pork
  • Lamb
  • Goose
  • Duck
  • Partridge
  • Liver
  • 大脑
  • Kidneys
  • Sweetbreads
  • Meat gravies
  • Meat-based soups
  • Beef broth
  • Mussels
  • Scallops
  • Anchovies
  • Sardines
  • Herring
  • Mackerel
  • Trout
  • Shrimp
  • Lobster
  • Soda
  • Artificially sweetened juices
  • Candies
  • Beer
  • Beans
  • Lentils
  • Peas
  • Mushrooms
  • Spinach
  • Cauliflower
  • Asparagus


Keep reading for more detail on the above list.

Definitely avoid dishes like liver and onions if your uric acid levels are a concern.
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Uric Acid, Purines and Kidney Health

First off, it's important to understandthe role the uric acid playsin your body.Uric acidis created in your body by the natural breakdown of molecules called purines. Purines are found throughout the body and are regularly broken during normal metabolism. The human body makes purines, but alsoabsorbs purinesfrom foods.


Whenuric acidis formed, it enters the bloodstream. As blood passes through the kidneys, the uric acid is removed and eventually eliminated from the body through the urine.

Uric acid levels in the blood usually remain within a normal range, but they sometimes rise, producinghyperuricemia.The excess uric acid may then collect as crystals in body tissues, especially the kidneys and joints,causing kidney stonesand gout — a type of arthritis.


Meats and seafood containing large amounts of purine are particularly likely to cause hyperuricemia. Certain other foods increase the production of purines in the body or interfere with the elimination of uric acid through the urine.


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High-Purine Foods to Avoid

If your kidney health is top of mind for you, orif you have gout, it's not necessarily that you want to avoidfoods rich in uric acid, as foods don't contain uric acid. As mentioned above, your body produces uric acid in response to the breakdown of purines in foods.


Therefore, what you need to do is avoid foods high in purines and stick with foods low in purines (see below for more on that). Here are the four types of foods that are worst for uric acid production.

1. Meats and Seafood

Meats generally contain moderate to large amounts of purines. Beef, pork, lamb, goose, duck and partridge have large amounts.Organ meats, such as liver, brain, kidneys and sweetbreads, are particularly purine-rich.


Purines are also abundant in meat-based gravies, soups, broths and anything else prepared frommeat extracts.Chicken contains a lower amount of purines. Certain types ofseafoodare also high in purines. These include mussels, scallops, anchovies, sardines, herring, mackerel, trout, shrimp and lobster.

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2. Fructose-Containing Foods and Beverages

Fructose is the only carbohydrate that raises uric acid levels, according to a review article published inThe American Journal of Medicinein November 2016.

It does so by increasing the production of purines in the body. Fructose — typically in the form of high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) — is found in many sweetened foods and drinks, including non-diet sodas, candies and baked goods.



A large study published inArthritis and Rheumatismin January 2008 reported that the more HFCS-containing soft drinks a person consumes each day, the greater the increase in uric acid levels. Diet sodas do not affect uric acid levels.

Beer contains a large amount of purines.
Image Credit:GummyBone/iStock/GettyImages

3. Alcohol

Some types ofalcohol— especially beer — contain a large amount of purines. Alcohol www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov=""pubmed="" 27452679"=""> may also increase the body's production of purines and reduce its ability to eliminate uric acid through the urine. Beer is especially likely to increase uric acid levels.

In a large study published inArthritis Care and Researchin December 2004, beer increased uric acid almost two times more than hard liquor.is less likely to increase uric acid levels, so it is the best alcohol-containing beverage for a person with hyperuricemia.

4. Certain Vegetables

Most vegetables and fruits are low in purines. Butsome vegetables— such as beans, lentils, peas, mushrooms, spinach, cauliflower and asparagus — contain a moderately high amount.

Although these vegetables may raise uric acid levels, they do not increase uric acid as much as purine-rich meats and seafood, according to an article published inJournal of Advanced Researchin September 2017. Therefore, these vegetables may be appropriate if consumed in moderation.


Low-fat dairy can help remove uric acid through the urine.
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Foods That Help Lower Uric Acid

Some foods and beverages may help reduce uric acid levels.Low-fat dairy productscan increase the amount of uric acid removed through the urine.

Vitamin C-containing foods or supplements can both reduce uric acid production and increase uric acid elimination in the urine. Coffee can also lower uric acid levels. This does not appear to be related to caffeine, as evendecaffeinatedcoffee reduces uric acid.

If you are overweight, losing weight with a reduced-calorie diet may also help lower uric acid levels, according to a November 2016 review article inThe American Journal of Medicine.然而,突然严重的卡路里限制应该d be avoided, as it can produce a temporary increase in uric acid levels.

Read more:The Top 10 Cleansing Foods

Reviewed by: Mary D. Daley, M.D.




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