


信贷: 弗雷泽哈里森娱乐/一些/盖蒂图片社



锐步和吉吉哈迪德# PerfectNever革命

即使是时尚界最点播模式面临审查她的身体。哈迪德,过度skinny-shaming在2018年的纽约时装周。她把Twitter告知仇敌她的病情。“如果你决心提出w为什么我的身体改变了多年来,你可能不知道,当我开始@ 17我还没有诊断w /慢性甲状腺炎;u中那些叫我‘大工业的看到炎症和水肿是由于,”她写道。“在过去的几年里我一直正确用药帮助症状包括,以及极度疲劳,新陈代谢问题,身体保持热量的能力,等等。”She leaves them with a positive takeaway: "Please, as social media users & human beings in general, learn to have more empathy for others and know that you never really know the whole story. Use your energy to lift those that you admire rather than be cruel to those u don't."

信贷: 盖蒂图片社/盖蒂图片社娱乐/一些

即使是时尚界最点播模式面临审查她的身体。哈迪德,过度skinny-shaming在2018年的纽约时装周。她把Twitter告知仇敌她的病情。“如果你决心提出w为什么我的身体改变了多年来,你可能不知道,当我开始@ 17我还没有诊断w /慢性甲状腺炎;u中那些叫我‘大工业的看到炎症和水肿是由于,”她写道。“在过去的几年里我一直正确用药帮助症状包括,以及极度疲劳,新陈代谢问题,身体保持热量的能力,等等。”She leaves them with a positive takeaway: "Please, as social media users & human beings in general, learn to have more empathy for others and know that you never really know the whole story. Use your energy to lift those that you admire rather than be cruel to those u don't."


人民选择奖2017 -红地毯


信贷: 克里斯托弗·波尔克/盖蒂图片社娱乐/一些




奥斯卡奖得主詹妮弗·劳伦斯著称的声音对身体羞辱在好莱坞,鉴于最近的骚扰和侵犯指控起飞在娱乐行业,女演员决定讨论一个特别不愉快的经历在她的女性在好莱坞的事件。劳伦斯开放关于被女制片人要求在两周内减掉15磅的角色,并受一个裸体的阵容有5个明显苗条的女人。当她站起来为自己和对另一个制片人说,需求是不合适的,她遇到了一个难以置信的反应。“他说他不知道为什么每个人都以为我是太胖了,他认为我是完美的f * * *能力。”Today, Lawrence is a one of the strongest voices when it comes to calling out the entertainment industry's unfair treatment of women.

信贷: 杰米·麦卡锡娱乐/一些/盖蒂图片社

奥斯卡奖得主詹妮弗·劳伦斯著称的声音对身体羞辱在好莱坞,鉴于最近的骚扰和侵犯指控起飞在娱乐行业,女演员决定讨论一个特别不愉快的经历在她的女性在好莱坞的事件。劳伦斯开放关于被女制片人要求在两周内减掉15磅的角色,并受一个裸体的阵容有5个明显苗条的女人。当她站起来为自己和对另一个制片人说,需求是不合适的,她遇到了一个难以置信的反应。“他说他不知道为什么每个人都以为我是太胖了,他认为我是完美的f * * *能力。”Today, Lawrence is a one of the strongest voices when it comes to calling out the entertainment industry's unfair treatment of women.



当现实电视皇家金·卡戴珊逃到蓬Mita墨西哥庆祝她的妹妹考特妮的生日,她可能没有想到为她在显微镜下脂肪团。然而,当认证的英国老家伙皮尔斯·摩根看到一些狗仔队的照片金正日k在古董迪奥比基尼(脂肪团和所有),他在屏幕上提醒我们,“缺陷不应该庆祝。”Let's just take a moment to remember that cellulite affects 90 percent of women. Naturally, Kardashian clapped back with a searing tweet that she deleted after about a minute: "Yup I've recently seen perspective is a bitch. I'll work on taking good videos with better lighting & angles. F**k you." Later, she followed up with another tweet to end the conversation: "Oh and as for me you ask? …I'm just sitting here on the beach with my flawless body."


信贷: 西奥沃戈/盖蒂图片社

当现实电视皇家金·卡戴珊逃到蓬Mita墨西哥庆祝她的妹妹考特妮的生日,她可能没有想到为她在显微镜下脂肪团。然而,当认证的英国老家伙皮尔斯·摩根看到一些狗仔队的照片金正日k在古董迪奥比基尼(脂肪团和所有),他在屏幕上提醒我们,“缺陷不应该庆祝。”Let's just take a moment to remember that cellulite affects 90 percent of women. Naturally, Kardashian clapped back with a searing tweet that she deleted after about a minute: "Yup I've recently seen perspective is a bitch. I'll work on taking good videos with better lighting & angles. F**k you." Later, she followed up with another tweet to end the conversation: "Oh and as for me you ask? …I'm just sitting here on the beach with my flawless body."


5。Lady Gaga


Lady Gaga给了一个令人兴奋的表现在2017年的超级杯将在第二个半场表现最为观众- 1.175亿。虽然她的表演无疑是一个打击,但一些讨厌的批评者忍不住对她的图做出消极的评论。她回应的“去爱你自己!”"I'm proud of my body and you should be proud of yours too," she wrote in an Instagram post. "No matter who you are or what you do. I could give a million reasons why you don't need to cater to anyone or anything to succeed. Be you, and be relentlessly you. That's the stuff of champions."


信贷: 克里斯托弗·波尔克/盖蒂图片社娱乐/盖蒂图片社

Lady Gaga给了一个令人兴奋的表现在2017年的超级杯将在第二个半场表现最为观众- 1.175亿。虽然她的表演无疑是一个打击,但一些讨厌的批评者忍不住对她的图做出消极的评论。她回应的“去爱你自己!”"I'm proud of my body and you should be proud of yours too," she wrote in an Instagram post. "No matter who you are or what you do. I could give a million reasons why you don't need to cater to anyone or anything to succeed. Be you, and be relentlessly you. That's the stuff of champions."




碧昂丝占主导地位的音乐世界20多个格莱美奖在她带,今年九个提名。但这并不能阻止批评开始讨厌风暴在Twitter上跟踪她超级碗50客串,发表评论,如“碧昂丝很胖,我很高兴他们只给了她一个歌,”和“碧昂丝失误在蹲在超级碗中场的表现,当他胖的屁股拖。”Happily, Beyoncé has already dealt with haters' toxic negativity through her music — specifically, Destiny's Child's 2001 track "Bootylicious." "I wrote that because, at the time, I'd gained some weight and the pressure that people put you under, the pressure to be thin, is unbelievable," she tells Shape magazine. "I was just 18 and you shouldn't be thinking about that. You should be thinking about building up your character and having fun, and the song was just telling everyone to forget what people are saying, you're bootylicious. It's a celebration of curves and a celebration of women's bodies."


信贷: 迈克·科波拉/盖蒂图片社

碧昂丝占主导地位的音乐世界20多个格莱美奖在她带,今年九个提名。但这并不能阻止批评开始讨厌风暴在Twitter上跟踪她超级碗50客串,发表评论,如“碧昂丝很胖,我很高兴他们只给了她一个歌,”和“碧昂丝失误在蹲在超级碗中场的表现,当他胖的屁股拖。”Happily, Beyoncé has already dealt with haters' toxic negativity through her music — specifically, Destiny's Child's 2001 track "Bootylicious." "I wrote that because, at the time, I'd gained some weight and the pressure that people put you under, the pressure to be thin, is unbelievable," she tells Shape magazine. "I was just 18 and you shouldn't be thinking about that. You should be thinking about building up your character and having fun, and the song was just telling everyone to forget what people are saying, you're bootylicious. It's a celebration of curves and a celebration of women's bodies."






信贷: 盖蒂





反击体内羞辱,没有声音,骄傲行动呼吁比“全美超模大赛”的宣言,“吻我的肥屁股!”In fact, the now-iconic declaration, a response to a tabloid's negative remarks about a shot of Banks on the beach in a swimsuit, was named one of TV Guide's 60 Greatest Talk Show Moments. But the impact of the talk-show host's words went far beyond that. "If I had lower self-esteem, I would probably be starving myself right now," said a clearly emotional Banks during an episode of her show. "But that's exactly what is happening to other women all over this country." In taking a stand for herself, Banks also took a powerful stand for "curvy" women everywhere.


信贷: 切尔西劳伦/盖蒂图片社娱乐/盖蒂图片社

反击体内羞辱,没有声音,骄傲行动呼吁比“全美超模大赛”的宣言,“吻我的肥屁股!”In fact, the now-iconic declaration, a response to a tabloid's negative remarks about a shot of Banks on the beach in a swimsuit, was named one of TV Guide's 60 Greatest Talk Show Moments. But the impact of the talk-show host's words went far beyond that. "If I had lower self-esteem, I would probably be starving myself right now," said a clearly emotional Banks during an episode of her show. "But that's exactly what is happening to other women all over this country." In taking a stand for herself, Banks also took a powerful stand for "curvy" women everywhere.




朋友恒星释放后对媒体小报推测她怀孕一次太多了。“备案,我没有怀孕。我是受够了。我受够了每天发生的另一类的审查和身体羞辱的幌子下“新闻”“第一修正案”和名人的新闻,”她写道:2016年7月12日,在赫芬顿邮报上。她抱怨“多少我们定义了一个女人的价值根据她的婚姻和母亲的地位,”声明,“我们完全有或没有一个伴侣,有或没有一个孩子。”She urged fans to stop "buying the bullshit" served up by tabloids -- and social media went wild with virtual applause.


信贷: 马克戴维斯/盖蒂图片社娱乐/盖蒂图片社

朋友恒星释放后对媒体小报推测她怀孕一次太多了。“备案,我没有怀孕。我是受够了。我受够了每天发生的另一类的审查和身体羞辱的幌子下“新闻”“第一修正案”和名人的新闻,”她写道:2016年7月12日,在赫芬顿邮报上。她抱怨“多少我们定义了一个女人的价值根据她的婚姻和母亲的地位,”声明,“我们完全有或没有一个伴侣,有或没有一个孩子。”She urged fans to stop "buying the bullshit" served up by tabloids -- and social media went wild with virtual applause.




模型阿什利·格雷厄姆一直直言不讳有body-positive态度甚至自称“身体活动家。”Graham was the first plus-size model ever to be featured in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue -- in fact, she made the 2016 cover. "Someone once told me my thighs were 'cellulite city,'" Graham said on Instagram. "But I now realize these thighs tell a story of victory and courage." In the August 2016 issue of Cosmopolitan magazine, Graham chastised comedian Amy Schumer for the "double standard" of capitalizing "on being a big girl," but disassociating herself from the group after Glamour magazine implied Schumer was plus-size. In a subsequent lovefest on Twitter, the two celebrities expressed their mutual admiration with Schumer saying, "I totally understand Ashley's feelings. I don't group myself in with her because she is unbelievably beautiful. Nothing but respect for her."


信贷: 帕斯卡Le Segretain /盖蒂图片社娱乐/盖蒂图片社

模型阿什利·格雷厄姆一直直言不讳有body-positive态度甚至自称“身体活动家。”Graham was the first plus-size model ever to be featured in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue -- in fact, she made the 2016 cover. "Someone once told me my thighs were 'cellulite city,'" Graham said on Instagram. "But I now realize these thighs tell a story of victory and courage." In the August 2016 issue of Cosmopolitan magazine, Graham chastised comedian Amy Schumer for the "double standard" of capitalizing "on being a big girl," but disassociating herself from the group after Glamour magazine implied Schumer was plus-size. In a subsequent lovefest on Twitter, the two celebrities expressed their mutual admiration with Schumer saying, "I totally understand Ashley's feelings. I don't group myself in with her because she is unbelievably beautiful. Nothing but respect for her."




身体羞辱不只是“脂肪”——瘦女孩不幸也身体羞辱的目标。事实上,不久之后接受孩子的选择奖女电视明星,她批评作者,喜剧演员Julie Klausner通过Twitter。“Zendaya终极反驳古丽亚娜Rancic饿自己到她的一个大小的elbowz [sic],”她如是说。紧随其后,“你不需要有一个饮食失调参加孩子们的选择奖……但是它帮助!”Zendaya's first response was a warning shot to Klausner ("Do you find this funny? I will write another paragraph to educate you aswell [sic]"), referencing the lengthy Instagram retort she posted in response to Guiliana Rancic's inappropriate comment in 2015. But the singer soon changed her tone, tweeting out a body-positive message to her young fans: "Now... everyone go look in the mirror at their beautiful body, and love that sh-- #thickgirlswinning #skinnygirlswinning #weallwinning."


信贷: 杰森·梅里特/盖蒂图片社娱乐/盖蒂图片社

身体羞辱不只是“脂肪”——瘦女孩不幸也身体羞辱的目标。事实上,不久之后接受孩子的选择奖女电视明星,她批评作者,喜剧演员Julie Klausner通过Twitter。“Zendaya终极反驳古丽亚娜Rancic饿自己到她的一个大小的elbowz [sic],”她如是说。紧随其后,“你不需要有一个饮食失调参加孩子们的选择奖……但是它帮助!”Zendaya's first response was a warning shot to Klausner ("Do you find this funny? I will write another paragraph to educate you aswell [sic]"), referencing the lengthy Instagram retort she posted in response to Guiliana Rancic's inappropriate comment in 2015. But the singer soon changed her tone, tweeting out a body-positive message to her young fans: "Now... everyone go look in the mirror at their beautiful body, and love that sh-- #thickgirlswinning #skinnygirlswinning #weallwinning."




歌手和演员,专业演员自9岁,很吃惊的言论对自己的身体时,她打她二十多岁,她觉得有必要寻求帮助。“我一直在治疗,”她告诉《美国周刊》。“我在机场土地,人们会喊,“你胖!“这是糟透了。”For her, the best way to fight back was to take control of the story, posting a body-baring photo on Instagram. "Look, I didn't want them to win," she told Ellen Degeneres on her talk show. "It's so annoying when I see it all over the place, and everybody thinks they can bring me down. So my immediate response was I'm gonna post a picture and be like, 'I'm happy with me, y'all.'"


信贷: 帕斯卡Le Segretain /盖蒂图片社娱乐/盖蒂图片社

歌手和演员,专业演员自9岁,很吃惊的言论对自己的身体时,她打她二十多岁,她觉得有必要寻求帮助。“我一直在治疗,”她告诉《美国周刊》。“我在机场土地,人们会喊,“你胖!“这是糟透了。”For her, the best way to fight back was to take control of the story, posting a body-baring photo on Instagram. "Look, I didn't want them to win," she told Ellen Degeneres on her talk show. "It's so annoying when I see it all over the place, and everybody thinks they can bring me down. So my immediate response was I'm gonna post a picture and be like, 'I'm happy with me, y'all.'"




她的陨石的过程中从“Gilmore女孩”巴迪票房巨星,未来的捉鬼敢死队不得不忍受她口头明枪暗箭。配备大量拖拉机大小当影评人称她为“,”她承认,她年轻时就发生了,不太安全,“它可能碎我。”These days, her family offers all the protection she needs from this kind of vitriol. "I felt really bad for someone who is swimming in so much hate," McCarthy, who is generally reticent to discuss body image, told the New York Times. "I just thought, 'That's someone who's in a really bad spot, and I am in such a happy spot.' I laugh my head off every day with my husband and my kids, who are mooning me and singing me songs."


信贷: 马克戴维斯/盖蒂图片社娱乐/盖蒂图片社

她的陨石的过程中从“Gilmore女孩”巴迪票房巨星,未来的捉鬼敢死队不得不忍受她口头明枪暗箭。配备大量拖拉机大小当影评人称她为“,”她承认,她年轻时就发生了,不太安全,“它可能碎我。”These days, her family offers all the protection she needs from this kind of vitriol. "I felt really bad for someone who is swimming in so much hate," McCarthy, who is generally reticent to discuss body image, told the New York Times. "I just thought, 'That's someone who's in a really bad spot, and I am in such a happy spot.' I laugh my head off every day with my husband and my kids, who are mooning me and singing me songs."



2016 -新闻发布室人民选择奖

“速度与激情”大块一向以他轮廓分明的体格。但多震惊父亲无处不在,柴油后告诉他“爸爸bod”分享一张图片,他典型的六块略显温和。缩减的演员,他的严格的健身程序一个代理的角色,知道没有他欣赏评论。“我认为身体是不对的耻辱,”他告诉“早安美国”。"Trolls on the Internet -- there are all kinds of atrocities they commit on the Internet." At the same time, Diesel, a weightlifter since his teen years, has no problem wearing a target on his well-developed chest. "Honestly, I would rather it come to me than somebody else," said the actor. "I can take it."


信贷: 中文字/盖蒂图片社娱乐/盖蒂图片社

“速度与激情”大块一向以他轮廓分明的体格。但多震惊父亲无处不在,柴油后告诉他“爸爸bod”分享一张图片,他典型的六块略显温和。缩减的演员,他的严格的健身程序一个代理的角色,知道没有他欣赏评论。“我认为身体是不对的耻辱,”他告诉“早安美国”。"Trolls on the Internet -- there are all kinds of atrocities they commit on the Internet." At the same time, Diesel, a weightlifter since his teen years, has no problem wearing a target on his well-developed chest. "Honestly, I would rather it come to me than somebody else," said the actor. "I can take it."



2015年!人,《图片报》,Emotionen——RTL Jahresrueckblick

和母亲一再表示,这位格莱美获奖歌手的她让人的耳朵的音乐,不是他们的眼睛。不过,阿黛勒的出现在颁奖礼往往引起无趣和不必要的嘲弄,承认她偶尔读取意味着身体有关评论,陪她视频在YouTube上。她是怎样忍受所有的吗?适当的角度来看,一开始。“我一直是一个大小14到16岁,被罚款,”她说“阿黛尔:传记”。"I would only lose weight if it affected my health or sex life, which it doesn't."


信贷: 施泰因巴赫Sascha /盖蒂图片社娱乐/盖蒂图片社

和母亲一再表示,这位格莱美获奖歌手的她让人的耳朵的音乐,不是他们的眼睛。不过,阿黛勒的出现在颁奖礼往往引起无趣和不必要的嘲弄,承认她偶尔读取意味着身体有关评论,陪她视频在YouTube上。她是怎样忍受所有的吗?适当的角度来看,一开始。“我一直是一个大小14到16岁,被罚款,”她说“阿黛尔:传记”。"I would only lose weight if it affected my health or sex life, which it doesn't."






信贷: 帕斯卡Le Segretain /盖蒂图片社娱乐/盖蒂图片社





留给“危言耸听”霍华德·斯特恩给最卑劣的、落后的恭维。在一集他的卫星广播节目,斯特恩说,“你知道我喜欢的人吗?他是一个丑陋的motherf——呃。他的脂肪…他看起来同性恋对我来说,不是任何人都是同性恋,但他看起来娘娘腔。”Things escalated quickly from there. Smith responded at first by posting vague tweets ("Can't believe what I've just read." and "Ignore." they read). But he later used his Grammy acceptance speech to address the nasty comments. "I just want to say that before I made this record, I was doing everything to try and get my music heard. I was trying to lose weight, and I was making awful music. It was only until I started to be myself that the music started to flow and the people started to listen," he said.


信贷: 克里斯托弗·波尔克/盖蒂图片社娱乐/盖蒂图片社

留给“危言耸听”霍华德·斯特恩给最卑劣的、落后的恭维。在一集他的卫星广播节目,斯特恩说,“你知道我喜欢的人吗?他是一个丑陋的motherf——呃。他的脂肪…他看起来同性恋对我来说,不是任何人都是同性恋,但他看起来娘娘腔。”Things escalated quickly from there. Smith responded at first by posting vague tweets ("Can't believe what I've just read." and "Ignore." they read). But he later used his Grammy acceptance speech to address the nasty comments. "I just want to say that before I made this record, I was doing everything to try and get my music heard. I was trying to lose weight, and I was making awful music. It was only until I started to be myself that the music started to flow and the people started to listen," he said.




没错,这位前“美国偶像”冠军的体重波动很大自从她成名。(有多少人能体会吗?)但是她从没有喊严重在推特上的每日邮报专栏作家,“耶稣,凯利克拉克森怎么了?她吃了她所有的支持歌手吗?快乐的我有宽屏。”The singer and new mother took it in stride, though, choosing to focus on her own happiness than the harsh body criticism. "I've just never cared what people think. It's more if I'm happy and confident and feeling good, that's always been my thing. And more so now, since having a family -- I don't seek out any other acceptance," she told Heat magazine. She also told the magazine that she planned to teach her daughter and stepdaughter the same kind of self-love.


信贷: 艾萨克Brekken /盖蒂图片社娱乐/盖蒂图片社

没错,这位前“美国偶像”冠军的体重波动很大自从她成名。(有多少人能体会吗?)但是她从没有喊严重在推特上的每日邮报专栏作家,“耶稣,凯利克拉克森怎么了?她吃了她所有的支持歌手吗?快乐的我有宽屏。”The singer and new mother took it in stride, though, choosing to focus on her own happiness than the harsh body criticism. "I've just never cared what people think. It's more if I'm happy and confident and feeling good, that's always been my thing. And more so now, since having a family -- I don't seek out any other acceptance," she told Heat magazine. She also told the magazine that she planned to teach her daughter and stepdaughter the same kind of self-love.



温斯坦公司& Netflix的2015金球奖后党提出的斐济水,Mercier雷克萨斯,劳拉和玛丽克莱尔——红地毯



信贷: Ari Perilstein /盖蒂图片社娱乐/盖蒂图片社





Zendaya一样,艾玛·斯通面临着她身体的羞辱是“太瘦。”In 2014, actress and comedian Emma Stone told USA Today that she'd frequently been the target of body shamers telling her to "eat a sandwich" or that she looked sick. Despite her incredible strength of character, Stone said she briefly let the comments affect her. But then she took a stand against the haters and stood up for young girls everywhere. "I'm not sick. I eat sandwiches. I've shamed myself for it. We shame each other online. We're always too skinny or too fat or too tall or too short. It bothers me because I care so much about young girls."


信贷: 特里斯坦Fewings /盖蒂图片社娱乐/盖蒂图片社

Zendaya一样,艾玛·斯通面临着她身体的羞辱是“太瘦。”In 2014, actress and comedian Emma Stone told USA Today that she'd frequently been the target of body shamers telling her to "eat a sandwich" or that she looked sick. Despite her incredible strength of character, Stone said she briefly let the comments affect her. But then she took a stand against the haters and stood up for young girls everywhere. "I'm not sick. I eat sandwiches. I've shamed myself for it. We shame each other online. We're always too skinny or too fat or too tall or too short. It bothers me because I care so much about young girls."




这些天,你可以找到米妮司机推一个风暴在妇女权益,总统政治和任意数量的其他主题接近奥斯卡提名的演员的心。但有一段时间身体羞辱后偷偷拍摄家庭海滩上度假几乎使她放弃社交媒体。她在“推特”上写道:“上帝有些人可怕:你被拍照当你不知道它发生的,当你在假期和你的孩子。”Later she vowed to leave the Twittersphere for good, saying, "It's not worth it." But the actor has been far from silent on the topic, going on "Today" to advise people who are trying to live up to the media idea of body image. "Don't compare yourself to anyone," she said on the NBC morning show.


信贷: 帕斯卡Le Segretain /盖蒂图片社娱乐/盖蒂图片社

这些天,你可以找到米妮司机推一个风暴在妇女权益,总统政治和任意数量的其他主题接近奥斯卡提名的演员的心。但有一段时间身体羞辱后偷偷拍摄家庭海滩上度假几乎使她放弃社交媒体。她在“推特”上写道:“上帝有些人可怕:你被拍照当你不知道它发生的,当你在假期和你的孩子。”Later she vowed to leave the Twittersphere for good, saying, "It's not worth it." But the actor has been far from silent on the topic, going on "Today" to advise people who are trying to live up to the media idea of body image. "Don't compare yourself to anyone," she said on the NBC morning show.




像其他演员发现名声的孩子,歌手和演员,谁让她的首张“巴尼&朋友”,挣扎后,她最初的成功。但是很少有比洛瓦托更开放了。完成修复后在2011年因贪食症等问题,洛瓦托直接面对她的身体。。“我体重增加,”推特洛瓦托后健康在2011年MTV奖。raybet投注“这就是当你离开治疗饮食失调。”She later deleted the tweet in favor of the more forward-thinking, "I'm healthy and happy, and if you're hating on my weight, you obviously aren't." Just as powerfully, Lovato used her platform to take on fat shaming in the media, calling out former employer The Disney Channel on Twitter for a joke she felt promoted an unhealthy body image.


信贷: 帕斯卡Le Segretain /盖蒂图片社娱乐/盖蒂图片社

像其他演员发现名声的孩子,歌手和演员,谁让她的首张“巴尼&朋友”,挣扎后,她最初的成功。但是很少有比洛瓦托更开放了。完成修复后在2011年因贪食症等问题,洛瓦托直接面对她的身体。。“我体重增加,”推特洛瓦托后健康在2011年MTV奖。raybet投注“这就是当你离开治疗饮食失调。”She later deleted the tweet in favor of the more forward-thinking, "I'm healthy and happy, and if you're hating on my weight, you obviously aren't." Just as powerfully, Lovato used her platform to take on fat shaming in the media, calling out former employer The Disney Channel on Twitter for a joke she felt promoted an unhealthy body image.






信贷: 中文字/盖蒂图片社娱乐/盖蒂图片社




信贷: 弗雷泽哈里森娱乐/一些/盖蒂图片社