

你听说过:“你是你吃什么。”When it comes to your skin, the quality of your appearance in many ways reflects the quality of your diet. According to Ashley Koff, RD, who has worked with Hollywood actresses and Olympic athletes, explains, "Your food across the board will affect your skin, positively or negatively." We asked her and other experts to tell us what foods can have the most adverse effects on your skin's healthy glow. Here are the foods that they said were the 10 worst offenders.

信贷: Maridav

你听说过:“你是你吃什么。”When it comes to your skin, the quality of your appearance in many ways reflects the quality of your diet. According to Ashley Koff, RD, who has worked with Hollywood actresses and Olympic athletes, explains, "Your food across the board will affect your skin, positively or negatively." We asked her and other experts to tell us what foods can have the most adverse effects on your skin's healthy glow. Here are the foods that they said were the 10 worst offenders.



考夫说,加工和包装食品应避免,因为几乎没有生命力。换句话说,在处理过程中,酶和营养物质分解和丢失。“饮食高的食物几乎总是展示营养不足,这样的缺陷总是出现在皮肤上,“考夫说。“总的来说,你的食物的质量越好,越好你的健康和皮肤。”Additionally, boxed foods frequently have low water content. All foods, and especially fruits and vegetables in their natural/raw state, are higher in water content and add hydration to the body necessary to proper organ function. This hydration is essential to healthy skin because it assists in skin detoxification and helps to regulate oil production.


信贷: Rena-Marie

考夫说,加工和包装食品应避免,因为几乎没有生命力。换句话说,在处理过程中,酶和营养物质分解和丢失。“饮食高的食物几乎总是展示营养不足,这样的缺陷总是出现在皮肤上,“考夫说。“总的来说,你的食物的质量越好,越好你的健康和皮肤。”Additionally, boxed foods frequently have low water content. All foods, and especially fruits and vegetables in their natural/raw state, are higher in water content and add hydration to the body necessary to proper organ function. This hydration is essential to healthy skin because it assists in skin detoxification and helps to regulate oil production.






信贷: StoykoSabotanov






信贷: fotofermer






信贷: Grafissimo





“当石油是在非常高的热量,油脂氧化,“考夫解释说。“我们然后把氧化脂肪进入我们的身体。我们都知道,氧化剂和抗氧化剂是好不好。”Oils that sit and are used over again, like the vat your French fries are cooked in, are really bad, because these fats are thicker and don't detox from the body. They can contribute to heart disease, poor circulation of the blood and a weakened metabolic process. Since healthy skin requires healthy circulation and metabolism, weak systems can lead to a lack of oxygen in the skin, slowing the collagen and elastin syntheses necessary for youthful radiance.

信贷: Rena-Marie

“当石油是在非常高的热量,油脂氧化,“考夫解释说。“我们然后把氧化脂肪进入我们的身体。我们都知道,氧化剂和抗氧化剂是好不好。”Oils that sit and are used over again, like the vat your French fries are cooked in, are really bad, because these fats are thicker and don't detox from the body. They can contribute to heart disease, poor circulation of the blood and a weakened metabolic process. Since healthy skin requires healthy circulation and metabolism, weak systems can lead to a lack of oxygen in the skin, slowing the collagen and elastin syntheses necessary for youthful radiance.



物质像阿斯巴甜,红色# 5和人工香料的标准美国饮食中太常见了,但是根据Koff”,在最好的情况下,这些添加剂是科学实验。他们基本上是一组化学,不应该进入我们的身体。”They contain no nutritional value, and at worst, they can irritate our bodies and create inflammation and histamine reactions. Worse still, our bodies tend to store chemicals like these in our tissues.


信贷: erierika

物质像阿斯巴甜,红色# 5和人工香料的标准美国饮食中太常见了,但是根据Koff”,在最好的情况下,这些添加剂是科学实验。他们基本上是一组化学,不应该进入我们的身体。”They contain no nutritional value, and at worst, they can irritate our bodies and create inflammation and histamine reactions. Worse still, our bodies tend to store chemicals like these in our tissues.




许多人需要定期补充,但大多数人并不知道这些补充剂——真正的起源。“大多数时间这些超级便宜,大量补充不是由整个食物来源,“考夫说。“他们通常含有过敏原,填充物或隐藏的成分,你不知道。”And the thing about supplements, she adds, is that "every day you are exposing yourself to them." It's important to look for supplements that say whole food on the label, have a lot number on the bottle, and an expiration date. And don't overdose. Taking too much Vitamin A or Zinc, for example, can dehydrate the skin.

信贷: monticelllo

许多人需要定期补充,但大多数人并不知道这些补充剂——真正的起源。“大多数时间这些超级便宜,大量补充不是由整个食物来源,“考夫说。“他们通常含有过敏原,填充物或隐藏的成分,你不知道。”And the thing about supplements, she adds, is that "every day you are exposing yourself to them." It's important to look for supplements that say whole food on the label, have a lot number on the bottle, and an expiration date. And don't overdose. Taking too much Vitamin A or Zinc, for example, can dehydrate the skin.



糖会削弱我们的免疫系统,我们的免疫系统被抑制的时候,我们的身体没有有效地抵抗细菌——痤疮和其他炎症性皮肤病的主要原因。糖也可以导致便秘在我们内部,从而导致我们的皮肤充血。考夫解释说,“这是证明,过多的糖会对皮肤造成负面影响。糖在体内是酸性的,创建的问题在我们的消化道,建立一个更适宜居住的环境糟糕的肠道细菌的增殖。”Translation: More bacteria, more toxins, worse skin.


信贷: yanikap

糖会削弱我们的免疫系统,我们的免疫系统被抑制的时候,我们的身体没有有效地抵抗细菌——痤疮和其他炎症性皮肤病的主要原因。糖也可以导致便秘在我们内部,从而导致我们的皮肤充血。考夫解释说,“这是证明,过多的糖会对皮肤造成负面影响。糖在体内是酸性的,创建的问题在我们的消化道,建立一个更适宜居住的环境糟糕的肠道细菌的增殖。”Translation: More bacteria, more toxins, worse skin.




研究表明,2 - 3杯含咖啡因的饮料刺激pituitary-adrenocortical反应,从而导致增加皮质醇水平在我们的身体。过多的皮质醇(也称为应激激素)已经证明加速老化过程和破坏我们的皮肤,包括皮肤变薄。皮肤越薄,越容易,细纹,皱纹,脱水和乏善可陈的外观。咖啡也是一种利尿剂,能使身体脱水。更好的滋润身体,健康的皮肤。

信贷: scanrail

研究表明,2 - 3杯含咖啡因的饮料刺激pituitary-adrenocortical反应,从而导致增加皮质醇水平在我们的身体。过多的皮质醇(也称为应激激素)已经证明加速老化过程和破坏我们的皮肤,包括皮肤变薄。皮肤越薄,越容易,细纹,皱纹,脱水和乏善可陈的外观。咖啡也是一种利尿剂,能使身体脱水。更好的滋润身体,健康的皮肤。



在小麦和其它谷物蛋白是一种蛋白质,是美国的主要食物。但具有讽刺意味的是,研究表明,多达40%的成年人都有某种形式的谷蛋白和小麦敏感或不耐受。“当我们在我们的身体有炎症,它经常出现在我们的皮肤,“考夫说,“当我的客户减少蛋白摄入量,几乎总是有一个明显改善肤色和整体健康。”One can be tested for gluten allergies by most doctors, or try an elimination diet to see if symptoms improve. Some foods that should be avoided include pasta, breads, crackers, pastries, cakes, oats, pizza, beer, barley, rye and spelt.


信贷: viafilms

在小麦和其它谷物蛋白是一种蛋白质,是美国的主要食物。但具有讽刺意味的是,研究表明,多达40%的成年人都有某种形式的谷蛋白和小麦敏感或不耐受。“当我们在我们的身体有炎症,它经常出现在我们的皮肤,“考夫说,“当我的客户减少蛋白摄入量,几乎总是有一个明显改善肤色和整体健康。”One can be tested for gluten allergies by most doctors, or try an elimination diet to see if symptoms improve. Some foods that should be avoided include pasta, breads, crackers, pastries, cakes, oats, pizza, beer, barley, rye and spelt.



信贷: Maridav