4 Low-Cholesterol Breakfasts That Aren’t Oatmeal

If you're trying to lower your HDL levels, start with these low-cholesterol breakfast ideas.
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We've heard the message loud and clear — oatmeal doeswonders for the ticker.And even though you canenjoy it savoryor sweet, and the options for toppings are just about endless, you can only eat so much oatmeal, right?


So when it comes to taking care of your heart health and thinking about lowering yourcholesterol through diet, what other foods can you turn to besides a bowl of oats? The good news is, you've got options: Foods with soluble fiber, healthy fats and other plant compounds can help lower your levels.

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Here are four breakfast recipes to get you on your way.


Read more:What You Should Know About the TLC Diet to Lower Cholesterol

1. Creamy Chocolate Cinnamon Smoothie

Beans are the secret ingredient in this creamy chocolate smoothie.
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How can a chocolate smoothie help lower your cholesterol, you might ask? By adding beans into the mix. Beans are loaded with soluble fiber, and this type of fiber is especially beneficial for our hearts. One of the reasons, according to theCleveland Clinic, is because soluble fiber binds to bile in our guts and flushes it from our systems. Bile is made up of cholesterol, so this type of fiber essentially helps to flush cholesterol from your body.


A half-cup serving ofwhite beans, like the ones used in this recipe, has six grams of fiber — and we promise, you won't taste them.

Get the Creamy Chocolate Cinnamon Smoothierecipe and nutrition infohere.

2. Walnut and Flaxseed Soy Yogurt

Walnuts may help lower cholesterol when eaten in place of saturated fats.
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Nuts were long chastised because they're so high in fat, but nowadays we understand thathealthy fats are goodfor us, and they're especially good for our hearts. Nuts are also a good source of fiber, antioxidants and other heart-healthy plant compounds, according to theInternational Tree Nut Council.



This recipe calls for walnuts, which are unique from other nuts in that they provide a significant amount of omega-3 fatty acids which, you guessed it, are good for the heart. A randomized controlled feeding study published in theJournal of the American Heart Associationin May 2019 found that using walnuts in place of saturated fats (think: processed meats like bacon and sausage) lowered total and LDL cholesterol levels.

Get theWalnut and Flaxseed Soy Yogurtrecipe and nutrition信息在这里。


3. Cinnamon and Spice Millet Porridge

Millet, like oatmeal, is a whole grain that can help lower cholesterol.
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Millet is an ancient grain and, according to the Whole Grain Council, it's staging a major comeback — and who doesn't love a comeback story? Millet is the cholesterol-lowering star in this dish, although the figs and pumpkin seeds help, too.


Researchers in an August 2015 meta-analysis published in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition, reviewed data from 24 randomized studies comparing a whole grain group to a control (non-whole grain) group. The findings showed that eating whole grains, like millet, significantly lowered both LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol levels compared to the control group. Millet also makes a great gluten-free option.

Get the Cinnamon and Spice Millet Porridgerecipe and nutrition信息在这里。


4. The Goob Peanut Butter Toast With Greek Yogurt and Grapes

Combine grapes and whole grains for a heart-healthy breakfast.

The cholesterol-lowering stand out in this dish is the mighty grape, although the whole-grain bread and peanut butter offer benefits, too.


Grapes and other fruits like apples and citrus have pectin, which is a type of soluble fiber that is especially heart healthy. But in addition to the soluble fiber, grapes have been shown to reduce risk factors for heart disease, oxidative stress, inflammation and blood pressure, all of which play a role in heart health, according to theCalifornia Grape Commission.

Get The Goob Peanut Butter Toast With Greek Yogurt and Grapesrecipe and nutrition信息在这里。




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