How to Get Smaller Thighs Quickly

Work toward slim, toned thighs with a well-planned diet and exercise schedule.
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Perhaps you're changing your diet or fitness habits to build strength or lose weight. But quickly dropping pounds just to get smaller thighs can be dangerous and unattainable. Instead, make lifestyle changes that help you feel your best, like adding thigh-strengthening exercises to your routine.



这是不可能的,只有在particu减肥lar body part, like your thighs. And losing weight too quickly comes with health risks. Rather than trying to slim your thighs specifically, focus on creating a sustainable diet and exercise routine that supports your overall wellness.

1. Set Realistic Goals

If you intend to lose weight, make sure you set realistic goals to help you do it safely and sustainably. That means dropping about 1 to 2 pounds per week through lifestyle changes like improved diet and exercise, according to theCenters for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC). Any more than that may deprive you of nutrients and make long-term weight loss more difficult, per theMayo Clinic.


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While lifestyle changes can help you lose weight all over your body, they won't specifically target fat on your thighs (or any other single body part, for that matter), per an August 2013 study inThe Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. In other words,spot reductionisn't possible. Where and how fast you lose weight is subject to your genetics and unique body, according to theCDC.

And if your weight-loss goal is to get a thigh gap, remember that this often-unattainable trend reinforces the distorted "thin ideal," which claims thatskinner is betterand weight loss is necessary. In reality, you can be healthy at any size — no matter what your thighs look like — so instead, focus on a routine that helps you feel good mentally and physically.


2. Create a Calorie Deficit

If weight loss is your goal, eating fewer calories can help you shed pounds. TheMayo Clinicrecommends a daily deficit of 500 to 1,000 calories for that gradual weight-loss rate of 1 to 2 pounds per week, respectively.

Your exact calorie goal depends on several traits, like how active you are, your age and sex. Estimate your calorie needs with the help of thisDietary Guidelines for Americanschart that breaks it down by those factors. From there, subtract yourcalorie deficitto get your daily calorie goal for weight loss.


Just make sure that your daily calorie intake doesn't fall below 1,200 per day if you're assigned female at birth or 1,500 per day if you're assigned male at birth, unless you're under the supervision of a health professional, perHarvard Health Publishing.

3. Eat a Nutritious Diet

While, technically, any calorie deficit can help you lose weight, it's best to prioritize healthy eating so you don't deprive yourself of nutrients. TheCDCrecommends including the following types of foods in a well-balanced diet.



1. Lean Protein

Protein is an important source of long-term energy and helps build and repair tissue, according toHarvard Health Publishing. The2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americansrecommends adults eat 5 to 7 ounce equivalents of protein per day. Ounce equivalents account for varying amounts of protein in different foods, per theU.S. Department of Agriculture: For instance, the protein in one egg is equivalent to that in an ounce of meat.


Includingprotein in a weight-loss diethelps you feel full and helps you hang on to lean muscle mass as you're losing fat, which supports a healthy metabolism.

Protein-rich foodsinclude:

  • Lean meats like chicken and turkey breast
  • Fish like salmon and tuna
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Soy products like tofu and tempeh
  • Legumes like beans and lentils
  • Dairy products like yogurt and cottage cheese
  • Eggs


2. Eat Fibrous Foods

You'll also want to eat plenty of fiber, a type of carbohydrate that provides lasting energy and aids digestion, according to theNational Institute on Aging(NIA).

Upping your fiber intake has been linked toweight loss: A study of 240 people found that simply consuming 30 grams of fiber daily was an effective alternative to more complicated weight-loss diets, according to February 2015 research in theAnnals of Internal Medicine.


Fruits and vegetables are one solidsource of fiber, according to theCDC. As a bonus, they're also loaded with water to help you stay hydrated, per theCleveland Clinic.

According to the NIA, whole grains are another important source of the nutrient, including:


  • Whole-wheat breads, pastas and cereals
  • Oatmeal
  • Quinoa
  • Amaranth

3. Avoid or Limit Processed Foods

Getting slim thighs isn't all about deprivation, but you'll want to limit your intake of processed foods. These foods typically contain lots of unhealthy fats and carbohydrates, according to the NIA. They also tend to be calorie-dense, which can make it difficult to create a calorie deficit if that's one of your goals.

Per the NIA, consider skippingprocessed foodssuch as:

  • Fast food
  • Packaged baked goods like cakes and cookies
  • Chips and crackers
  • Fatty meats like bacon and sausage
  • Margarine
  • Soft drinks
  • Candy

Plan ahead so you don't hit the vending machine or the drive-thru. Keep an ounce of almonds in your bag to eat instead of a bag of chips, for example, and pack healthy meals you can eat on-the-go, like a breakfast smoothie made from Greek yogurt, fruits, veggies or a turkey and vegetable wrap in a whole-wheat tortilla.

Did you know that keeping afood diaryis one of the most effective ways to manage your weight?Download the MyPlate appto easily track calories, stay focused and achieve your goals!

4. Exercise

Whether or not slimming down your thighs is your goal, regular exercise can help build strength, improve mobility and support mental health, according to theNIA.

And though exercising a specific body part can help you build strength in that area, it won't lead to targeted weight loss, perThe Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. So rather than focusing your workouts on getting smaller thighs alone, build a well-rounded fitness routine to develop strength and mobility throughout your body.


Here are some things to keep in mind as you develop your exercise program.

Cardiovascular Exercise

Cardio is a crucial part of any fitness routine. ThePhysical Activity Guidelines for Americansrecommends adults get 2.5 to 5 hours of moderate-intensity aerobic activity every week, which can help you manage weight, improve sleep and help prevent conditions likehigh blood pressureor heart disease.

If you want to target your thighs specifically, pick an activity that uses those muscles, such as:

Strength Training

Strength training is equally important when it comes to reaping the mental and physicalbenefits of exercise. The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans suggests doing strength-building activities at least twice a week, ideally on nonconsecutive days so that your muscles have a chance to rest and repair themselves, per theCleveland Clinic.

Strength trainingyour thighs specifically can help you build muscle and tone in your upper legs, according to theCleveland Clinic. That added muscle can support a healthy metabolism and, as a result, help with weight loss.

Common types of strength training include:

  • Weight training比如举重和循环训练
  • Bodyweight exercises like push-ups or squats
  • TRX

Avoid Overtraining

If you're trying to strengthen your thighs, you might feel tempted to target them with exercise every day to speed up your results.

But resist the urge: Overtraining can actually damage your muscles and put you at risk for a training injury, according to theCleveland Clinic. That's why it's important to takerest daysand alternate high-intensity workouts with gentler forms of exercise, like walking, stretching or yoga.

Best Thigh-Slimming Exercises

Build strength and mobility in your legs with theseexercises to tone your thighs:




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